
We hope our Parish Council website will provide a local information resource for residents in the parish and for those who live in the surrounding area.
Much of the information on the pages is fairly static, but forms an important directory for everyone living in this corner of East Sussex.
In addition, we welcome visitors to the area and hope you will find the local information provided helps you to enjoy your visit.
If you are interested in using any of the facilities at the pavilion or Goods Yard House please contact the Clerk in the first instance to discuss availability.


Parish News Corner

flowers on a sunny day


Parish Council Vacancies - please get in touch with the Clerk if you are interested in becoming a parish councillor. 

Grant Scheme 2025 open see news page for documents etc.. 

Volunteers - urgently required. 

We need volunteers for several of our ongoing projects as well as those we hope to get started if you are interested in any of the following areas or have an idea for the Parish Council to explore please get in touch with the Clerk in the first instance: 

  • Speedwatch - co-ordinator and helpers 
  • Memorial garden - gardeners
  • Litter pick - volunteers
  • Neighbourhood Plan - volunteers

For information on our current projects please see our news main page and our minutes. 

For information on our current strategic plan click here

For an application for the emergency plan please click here

The Council does not have meetings in August and if you have any specific queries please contact the relevant Cllr or the Clerk for inclusion in a meeting agenda from September onwards. For Highways please contact ESCC and planning and refuse WDC.